Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Stand Back," Said the Elephant, "I'm Going to Sneeze!"

by Patricia Thomas
illustated by Wallace Tripp

Remembering one vintage book reminds me of another and so on, so I'm just going to give in and go with it.  We'll see how many I can come up with.  Probably no more, now that I'm trying to think of them...
Elephant has such terrible sneezes that the other animals are terrified when he one day announces he feels an itch in his trunk.  His sneezes aren't just bad, they're awful!  He blows the monkeys out of the trees, the stripes off the zebra, and makes the hippopotumus fall on his bottom-us (my kids love that part).  All the animals are devastated when Elephant sneezes.  Fortunately, a little mouse saves the animals from the fate of Elephant's sneeze.  Or does he? 

image via

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