Friday, June 12, 2009


by Jon Agee

Otis has sold everything in his antiques shop and is about to close up when a wealthy woman walks in and asks what's for sale.  Otis simply replies, "Nothing."  He has nothing left.  When the woman hears this, she replies, "I have a lot of things, but I've never had nothing.  I'll pay you three hundred dollars!"  
Otis believes it is a ridiculous request, but the words of his father come to his mind, "The customer is always right."  So Otis packs up nothing and the town's richest woman drives away with $300 worth of nothing.
News of her stylish purchase travels fast and soon everyone will do anything to get nothing.

I love this book.  It's a great story to talk to kids about how the latest trend may not be worth what we think it is at the time.  And maybe it's a good lesson for us, too?

*More appropriate for school aged children.
image via

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